Author Archives: Mrs. Colett
1st and 4th Grade Music Concert Video
A Hanukkah Celebration
Fir Grove Teachers at Tree to Tree
Fir Grove’s Principal Marson teamed up with Hiteon’s Principal Warren to give staff at both schools a fantastic team-building experience at Tree to Tree Adventure Park back in August this year. Student videographers from Westview High School created this wonderful film to capture the day!
2015-16 Friendship Singers Fall Schedule
All rehearsals are 2:30-3:30pm in Mrs. Colett’s music room.
Rehearsal: Monday 10/26 & Wednesday 10/20
Rehearsal: Monday 11/2 & Wednesday 11/4
Rehearsal: Monday 11/9
Rehearsal: Monday 11/16 & Wednesday 11/18
Rehearsal: Monday 11/23 & Wednesday 12/2
**NEW** Concert: Thursday, 12/3 at 7:00pm Washington Square Mall
Rehearsal: Monday 12/7 & Wednesday 12/9
Rehearsal: Monday 12/14
Concert: Tuesday 12/15 **CANCELLED**
**NEW** Rehearsal: Wednesday 12/16
**NEW** Concert: Thursday, 12/17 at 7:30pm Beaverton High School
Concert attire: Mr. Brownell is working on a choir polo shirt order using our choir funds. The shirts will be green and will have our school and choir name on the lapel. Please plan to wear your shirt with dark pants or a dark skirt (preferably black) from your closet.
2015-16 Fir Grove Concert Dates
Friendship Singers • Thursday, Dec 3rd • 7:00pm Washington Square (6:45 call time)
1st & 4th Grade Concert • Thursday, Dec 10th • 6:30pm Fir Grove Gym (6:15 call time)
Friendship Singers • Thursday, Dec 17th • 7:30pm Beaverton High School (7:15 call time)
2nd & 5th Grade Concert • Friday, Feb 19th • 6:30pm Fir Grove Gym (6:15 call time)
Kinder & 3rd Grade Concert • Thursday, May 5th • 6:30pm Fir Grove Gym (6:15 call time)
Friendship Singers is our new 4th & 5th grade afterschool choir
co-directed by Jennifer Mohr Colett and Bruce Brownell.
National Choir Festival at PSU, Nov 12-14
Does your child love to sing? Do you love listening to excellent choirs? If so, your family may be interested in attending the National Choir Festival—featuring the best college choirs in the nation—at PSU next weekend. More information at
2014-15 Fir Grove Concert Memories
Southwest Music School offers strings classes at four BSD Elementary Sites
Is your child interested in learning to play a stringed instrument such as the violin, viola, cello, or bass? Instruction in these instruments is not currently part of the BSD curricular program, but after-school group classes are offered by Southwest Music School at four BSD Elementary School sites: McKay, Oak Hills, Ridgewood, and Hiteon. Click for more information:
Family Event: Tuba Christmas on Dec 12th
Experience the magnified sound of *250 tubas* playing together at Pioneer Courthouse Square at 1:30-3:00pm on Saturday, December 12th in downtown Portland. This seasonal performance is FREE for the public.
See more at: